Blossom Hill Elementary School Home

LGUSD Student Success Profile attribute for 2024-2025 - Critical Thinking

critical thinking
To enable academic and social success, all LGUSD students will demonstrate growth in the Student Success Profile attributes. The attribute we are focusing on for 2024-2025 is Critical Thinking.

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Robotics Team at Blossom Hill

Robotics Team

Interested in joining our Robotics Team or learning more? View presentation and contact the parent leads by clicking Robotics team.
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Bike Rodeo

A BIG thank you to all our volunteers and LGPD for helping out at our 3rd grade Bike Rodeo!
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Planning Vacations?? Use our Calendar!

We understand the benefits of booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and other excursions well in advance. Therefore…please use the 2024-25 calendar to help plan your 2024-25 vacations AROUND school days!
New Student Registration icon with a photo and a pencil

How to enroll for next year

Online registration for new students begins February 6, 2023.

Returning students will be asked to confirm enrollment for the 2023-24 school year.

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