Jenelle Bertucelli » Technology


Please use the following links to access a variety of websites for 2nd grade learning and fun. For password information, please see the .pdf sent to you by Mrs. Bertucelli.
Digital Citizenship is ongoing throughout the school year, with a focus at the beginning of the year prior to the iPads being introduced. We cover safe internet use, research and keywords use, and how to be respectful internet/iPad users. Our discussions are centered around essential questions, such as "How do I go places safely on the computer and how do I know a website is right for my purpose?" 
Reading fluency and comprehension; writing practice
Reading fluency and comprehension; audible stories
Skills practice in all Common Core areas
Reading comprehension quizzes for good fit books
Teacher Username: jbertucelli
Math fact fluency practice
Math fact fluency practice
Typing and keyboarding skills for second grade
Studies Weekly; Social Studies magazine used for classroom lessons
Scholastic Storyworks 2; Language Arts magazine used for classroom lessons
Mini science lessons for at-home learning
Fun, physical education videos for all ages
Optional lessons for at-home learning across all content areas
Directed drawing lessons for all ages