Rebecca Weatherson » Links


  • Accelerated Reader Instructions: Click on "Student" Type student user name (first four letters of the child's first name, first six letters of last name) and password (student ID) Click "Log in" Click "Take a Quiz" Click "Take a Reading Practice Quiz" Select title and type in the title of the book. Click "Search" Click on how it was read (three choices) Click "Yes" for question, "Are you sure you want to take the quiz?"
  • Raz-Kids: Log In 1. Click on the link above in red and enter the password rweatherson to view our class. 2. Find your name and click on it. Password: student ID number When you visit, your child will be able to listen to books and read books online! We will be using this program at school and encourage you to try it at home! This program keeps track of the books that your child reads, has quizzes to check comprehension and allows children to progress at their own rate while improving comprehension and fluency. Now available to support writing from home too! AWESOME!
  • Looking for a quick and fun way to practice those math facts? Click on this link to practice multiplication facts!
  • Students are expected to practice their math facts daily! The third grade math standard Number Sense 2.2 Memorize to automaticity the multiplication table for numbers between 1 and 10. In order to achieve "automaticity" in multiplication by the end of third grade, students must regularly practice and become proficient with their addition and subtraction facts. In addition to nightly practice of math facts students are expected to read for at least 15 minutes each night and practice reading strategies. *This is in addition to unfinished classwork which may be sent home to complete, regularly assigned homework assignments, or make-up work.
  • These guidelines can also be found inside the resources section of your child's Homework and WIP folders.
  • This year we will be visiting the Seymour Marine Discovery Center in Santa Cruz. Our trip is tentatively planned for Jan.-Mar.
  • Our class will be visiting the Saratoga History Museum this Spring.
  • Spelling City is a great website for students to use to practice their spelling and vocabulary words each week! This interactive website will teach the word, use it in context and provide games to practice and become familiar with the words.
  • IXL is a comprehensive, standards-aligned math practice program offering unlimited problems in thousands of skills. One of the best things about IXL is that students can access it from school and from home!   
    To get unlimited practice, tracking, and awards, be sure to sign in to your IXL account! Enter your username and password on this page after clicking on the link provided and then click "Sign in." If  you do not remember your username or password, please email me directly. And remember to bookmark this page for easy access.   
    After signing in, click on third grade to select skills to practice. You can place your mouse over any skill to see a sample question. Or, click the Awards tab to begin conquering challenges and uncovering prizes!  
    IXL - Practice and excel!
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