Mrs. Carol Witter » Our Daily Schedule

Our Daily Schedule

Welcome to First Grade with

Mrs. Witter!

Class Schedule

Of course flexibility is allowed, but in general, the follwing is a typical day in your child's schooling:


8:07 Warning Bell rings and children should walk from the playground to Room B8


8:10 - 9:45

Daily Practice with Handwriting, Math Skills/Word Problems and/or Science

Calendar, Flag, Time to check in

Reading Lessons (Leveled Guided Reading Groups with parent helpers)


9:45-10:05 Recess

10:05-10:20 Independent Reading

10:20-11:32 Math

11:32 - 12:25 Lunch and Recess

12:30 - 2:32

Read Aloud


Social Studies/ Science/ Art (alternate)